Hoya 52mm PRO ND 8/64/1000 Filter Kit
HOYA PROND8 is essential for shooting with fast lenses at wide-open aperture during the daytime, which is perfect for portraiture at a shallow depth of field. The subject appears crisp and clear on the soft blurred background. Other recommended scenes are night trails, fireworks and lightning.
HOYA PROND64 is essential for expressing the object in blurred motion during the daytime, which cannot be realized only with camera settings. Recommended for landscape, city snapshot, video and other photographic genres.
PROND1000 (10-STOPS)
HOYA PROND1000 is essential for expressing an unreal fantasy world thanks to its 10 stops reduction of the light amount. Widely used in a seascape to blur the waves, street snaps to apply clouds motion and architecture to erase moving people.
PROND Filters In Video Production
ND filters in video shooting is also an irreplaceable tool. For example, when shooting with a Sony camera in Slog mode, ISO cannot be set below 800. To obtain natural motion shutter speed is recommended to be adjusted to frame/rate setting. During the daytime PROND8, PROND64, PROND1000 or its combination (like PROND8 PROND64) would be necessary to achieve cinematic quality.